This mold is in beautiful condition inside and out. The rabbit is sitting on a stump with a basket of eggs on his back. The mold is marked with the manufactures’ number. The mold is suitable for molding chocolate.
Manufacturer:Eppelsheimer, America
Circa: Prior to W.W. II
Mold Number: 8269
Shipping Cost:* We ship USPS Priority Mail. International buyers please email us at for shipping costs.
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This mold is in beautiful condition inside and out. The rabbit is sitting on a stump with a basket of eggs on his back. The mold is marked with the manufactures’ number. The mold is suitable for molding chocolate.
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Anton Reiche
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds