Comments: This is a French mold that resembles Charlie Chaplin with a cane in one hand; the other hand is in the pocket of his baggy pants. The mold has the “LeTang” mark. It is suitable for molding chocolate.
Manufacturer French–LeTang
Circa: Prior to W.W. II
Mold Number: none
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Comments: This is a French mold that resembles Charlie Chaplin with a cane in one hand; the other hand is in the pocket of his baggy pants. The mold has the “LeTang” mark. It is suitable for molding chocolate.
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Anton Reiche
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds
Chocolate Molds